Well the indoor kennels are now finished and I've ordered my fencing so hopefully in the next 2 weeks the outdoor run will be finished too. Now all I have to do is build up the courage to actually put the dogs outside at night!!! but I have decided that from Sunday night onwards Maisy, Rupert & Summer will be sleeping in the Kennel.Rupert is nearly 13 weeks old now and his training is up and down, he is nowhere near as quick to learn as Summer was but once he has it he seems to have it good. I'm doing plenty of target training which I am hoping to use for the 4 off contact method when he's big enough for agility, I have used a version of Dawn Weavers 321 go wait commands by using ready, steady go, so I throw his toy and then say "Ready, Steady Go" and he is allowed to race to get it on the "G" of Go and today I also used this for his recall but saying "Ready, Steady, Come" instead, this really worked well as he gets so excited he races in and ends up in a lovely close present looking up for his click and bit of cheese. I've had to progress to cheese as he was getting bored with his own food for treats and kept telling me he had had enough and sitting by the door!!! obviously I played another training game before I let him finish but oddly enough he hasn't done it once since the reward has been upped to a suitable level.
This week I have made an effort to start jogging with Maisy!! it's nearly killing me, but I have a training schedule to follow so with any luck I should be up to running 3 miles in the next 6 weeks! or I might just still be walking - Who knows Amy and I have a really busy weekend ahead of us, infact we have a really busy April ahead, Friday we are off to Leicestershire Amy has an obedience show on Friday followed by the Midland Border Collie Clubs Utility day on Saturday and their Obedience show on Sunday, this will be the first time we will have put up the new awning I'll try to take some photo's if we manage to errect it before nightfall! then on Monday we are at Solihull riding club for a day of agility followed by an Easter Egg hunt at my parents house! if that isn't enough this is all followed by weekend camping shows throughout April - Fun times ahead!