Thursday, 28 August 2008

British Flyball Championships

It was a lovely venue, the weather was just glorious. Ronny and Maisy were entered in the multi breed pairs and were against some tuff competition.The dogs were allowed one warm up run and then 3 races to record their fastest time. Ronny and Maisy ran fantastic and nailed there first and second cross over, there 3rd race we were a bit eager and unfortunately Maisy had a light. There fastest time recorded was 8.89 seconds. Checking the results we and could see Ronny and Maisy had won. What a fantastic result, with them running together for the last year or so made them given them the trust needed to concentrate on speed. Maisy & Dylan also ran for the Brickyard Boomerangs a new team just to make up the numbers, unfortunately they ran so fast they eliminated themselves, still everyone had a great day out and we all managed to take the best dogs home with us.

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