We had a relatively quiet New years eve, just a few games and glasses of vino at home with our dogs for company. We are looking forward to the year ahead, I actually like to get past Crufts so we can really enjoy Agility competitions with our K9 friends. Last year was very interesting, and I really learnt a lot.
Maisy and I have had quite a good season she is now 8 years old but still behaves like a real youngster, my decision to only do jumping has paid off and she has given me some fantastic rounds leaving us with only 1 more win for grade 4, I guess my hopes for her are theat she will get to grade 5, but in reality if we get any clear rounds I'll be truely happy. My highlight of not only this year but in all our agility years has to be running in the laser pairs at Dashing dogs with her best mate Ronny, they were on fire that day, in fact that show was to be Ruperts highlight too.
Rupert came out and after only 7 weeks won 2 agility classes - there are some really funny folk around when a so called friend heard the news her reaction was "was it a good run?" well he beat over 200 dogs on both runs so I suppose it was ok!! it is very odd what people will say when a simple well done would do, although on the other hand I had some super comments from people around the rings after both wins. I'd love to go on and on about how brilliant we are going to be, but the truth of the matter is, no matter how much training you do if you're handling in the ring doesn't come up to scratch then there's little point. I have felt my competition handling lets me down again and again, so I will be working very hard on that over the next few months, I have some good training planned so hopefully running my dog will become more natural than the ridiculous standing still or worse still queing my dog over the wrong fence while I stand by and watch it all go wrong will eventually be a thing of the past.
Summer and Amy have had an amazing year, and we are really excited by what 2012 will bring. Amy will be starting back training with Joy Costello next week, Both her and Summer really enjoyed her training last year. Summer has really grown in confidence, she still has an occasional spook at a Judge or gets a scent and puts her head up, but if she comes around a corner with her tail in the air I know Amy is set to have her hands full as a very cheeky Summer zooms off making Amy use all her skills in one go.. It's exhausting to watch so God only knows how Amy feels!
Just a few thank you's
As always Jo Hyslop who has gone so far beyond the call of duty helping me train Rupert and walking courses, what am I going to do without you whilst you work through the Olympics?!?!?
Anne & Gloria - OMG you have made me so proud this year, what an amazing partnership you have become
Of course Amy - thank you for everything
Rupert & Maisy MWAH
And to all my agility friends who keep us entertained at every show to many to name but you know who you are.
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