Monday 17 January 2011

So Much Training!

I seem to have become a little addicted to training! Thursday night was club night and Ruperts 1st puppy agility class. He was, as always a very good boy, although the first class was just to see at what level everyone was working so a little basic for us. Maisy started off a bit over excited but by the end of the class was working very well and made some difficult weave entrances look easy.
On Saturday Rupert and I had a foundation training session with Toni Dawkins, this was the first time I had met Toni and found her to have a really lovely vibe about her, she explained what we were doing thoroughly and we got some excellent tips, again Rupert behaved well and didn't let me down at all.
Yesterday we were at Jo's for our weekly workout! she really does give us a work out too! we continued the weave enrty theme and Maisy really suprised me by getting them nearly every time, our confidence as a team is working to our benefit, and our homework this week is to get those 9 strides from the weaves to the push round!! thats a blooming long way!! Rupert was great, we have started to put together little courses, which he proves again and again how versitile he is, he did have a couple of naughty A frame contacts but he has only just learnt this and with the acute angle at which we are asking him to stop, until he learns to steady at the top I actually think the running contact is the safer option.. (more on his own blog)
Amy and Summer had another great training session at Joy's, I'm hoping one day I might actually get to see the two of them in action!
This weekend its our Agility show at Solihull, we have a busy week in preparation, and a hectic day planned as both Amy and I are planning to run a ring and run our dogs!! so it might not be the best runs of our career but it will be fun!

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