Monday, 22 June 2009

Long Weekend

This weekend we were in Worcester at Golden Valley Agility show, Maisy, Dylan and Summer were entered in lots of classes. Maisy was on great form, hardly having any poles and really listening although contacts and weaves need much more practice, it is so annoying as she is rock solid at home but the excitement of the show just makes her into a little demon. Summer had a couple of lovely rounds and a great clear in the team dash, she is improving steadily and is a real pleasure to watch, Dylan was just his usual self, head up and enjoying a trot around in the sunshine!! I think he was more spaniel than collie much to Amy's horror... Sunday Morning Amy, Clare, Jo and I were entered in the team dash with Charlie, Ronny, Maisy and Dylan, it was a really great round, Clare started and went clear, followed by Ronny Maisy and Dylan all notching only 5 faults each, it was exillarating and great fun. during the afternoon I managed to get in Maisy's way as she flew out of a tunnel, at the time I thought that's going to hurt tomorrow! and just carried on. but after running another class and packing the caravan, driving it to Daventry ready for Amy and Summers course I couldn't put any weight on it at all, after a trip to casualty and 2 Xrays the doctors decided it was a bad sprain and I should rest it for a week!!! I'll have to take it one day at a time to see how much I can do on it, luckily we have flyball on Saturday so not much running required..
This week I'll try to keep you posted on Amy and Sumers progress at Mary Rays course, last year she had a great time and it looks set to be another fabby week, Amy was really looking forward to spending some quality time away with her dogs so more news to follow.

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