Wednesday 21 January 2009

Getting Better

Maisy seems to be on the mend, this morning she was bouncing all over the Kitchen racing from one bed to the next as if to tell me she could be let off the lead now! so thats exactly what i did, I usually walk her and Dylan together leaving Summer and Ben for Amy to walk later in the day, this morning was no exception, both dogs were very eager to get to the field, and once there I let them off, keeping hold of their ball for the first 100 yards so i could watch Maisy closely for any signs of lameness - she seemed fine so I threw the ball, if Dylan gets it he runs round and round with Maisy hot on his tail, but if Maisy gets it she brings it back to my hand for another go. they had a great time playing tuggy with each other on the frosty ground, and it was soon time to go back home for some well earned breakfast.

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